J3VU, a spectral green figure in Gorilla Tag, frequents private codes and has largely vanished from sight for some time, with its existence previously hinted at by a warningbot.


J3VU boasts a range of abilities typical of phantoms within the game, along with distinctive powers such as altering players’ colors or toggling collision settings for itself and others. Endowed with a connection to an extensive mod menu, J3VU demonstrates a heightened awareness of its capabilities, allowing it to perform virtually any action at will. Its reach extends to social media platforms like Twitter, albeit with limited influence. Despite auditory similarities to Echo, J3VU insists, “I’m not Echo, I’m J3VU.”


Should J3VU become provoked, it will ominously play a decelerated version of “Run Rabbit Run,” single out a player from the list, and initiate a pursuit. Touching the targeted individual results in their expulsion or ban from the game.

On occasion, J3VU might halt its pursuit to select a new target, demonstrating its fickleness.

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