
Please note: Lavender Daisy09 represents a fictional entity created for illustrative purposes on this page.

Daisy09 exhibits a unique characteristic of altering its hue, displaying shades of light blue, pink, lavender, or even shifting colors while in motion. This gorilla is known for its rendition of the “Daisy Bell” melody, a song dating back to 1892. Remarkably, in 1961, the IBM 7094 computer made history by vocalizing “Daisy Bell,” marking the first instance of a computer generating musical vocals.

Location and Discovery

Predominantly, encounters with Daisy09 occur within codes, during account bans, and occasionally in both public and private game sessions. An urgent recommendation for those encountering Daisy09 under a ban is to immediately shut down Gorilla Tag and power off the headset to avoid a permanent ban. While rumors circulate about Daisy09’s demise, its existence remains a mystery. The prevailing theory suggests that Daisy09 enters games as a modder, primarily through codes, and can manifest in your server during a ban or within a private game. Interestingly, Daisy09 may engage in a game of tag and will depart the game, but a farewell wave is advised to prevent any lingering presence in your Gorilla Tag experience.

By 2024, Daisy09 sightings have drastically reduced, with appearances mainly restricted to banned lobbies and private servers named inappropriately.

The initial discovery of Daisy09 was made by a player known as PumpkinPie99, who observed it in a regular game session, seemingly lost in contemplation. Initially identified as “Happymonke” by PumpkinPie99, Daisy09 has since become a highly speculated figure, with its authenticity under debate due to over 106,835 players mimicking its appearance.

Current Knowledge

Presently, it is understood that Daisy09’s appearances are rare, possesses the ability to ban or kick players, was originally dubbed Happymonke, and is linked to in-game codes following the trivia section. The originator of Daisy09 remains a mystery, although PumpkinPie999 was once a suspect until an interview with jmancurly revealed that PumpkinPie99 merely discovered, not created, Daisy09.


Daisy09 ranks as the third ghost in Gorilla Tag lore, preceded by PBBV and Echo. It typically appears in pink or light blue, with lavender being less common. Contrary to some beliefs, Daisy09 has not ceased to exist.


  • Daisy09 (most common sightings and mostly full)
  • Daisy666
  • Daisy
  • PBBV
  • DaisyDaisy
  • Chill (first code Daisy09 was found in)
  • Daisymonke
  • Weat
  • Ghost
  • Ghosts
  • Daisybell
  • Daisy606
  • END LOG, 0627
  • DaisyDaisy
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